Tuesday, November 18, 2008

'Ashaly Goes to School' by Natalie (age 7)

Once there was a girl named Ashaly.  It was her first day of school.  Ashaly was scared.  
Her mom said, "Come on."
She did not come on.  Ashaly's mom pulled and pulled, then she finally came.
Mom and Ashaly pull up to the school.  Ashaly wanted to get out, but she was way too scared.  Mom helped her to get out.  
Ashaly figured out her teacher was awesome.  First they did some math, then they ate snack and then did some coloring.  Next they ate lunch but a mean little boy sat next to her.
"He's a big bully!" said her friend.
The little boy said, "She kicks people."
She ignored him and went outside.
Last they got picked up by their mom.

The End

Dad's note: Not bad for a first story.  We are going to add a little to it and make a short film out of it over vacation.  Look for it to be posted sometime this spring.  I'll post revisions as they become available.

The Great Depression Part Deux

I am wondering if the news stations already have catchy slogans in case of another depression. Here are some that I bet they've already thought of:
  • The Greatest Depression (Tom Brokaw's special report)
  • The Great Depression II: This time it's personal (Hollywood News/Variety)
  • When Good economies go bad... (Fox News)
  • The Bush Effect (MSNBC)
  • The Banking Betrayal
  • Panic for Pennies
  • Apocolypse Now Redux Again
  • Cents and Sensibility (think about it)
  • The Audacity of Fiscal Responsibility
IF we ever get to that point and of course, once we get beyond it, I hope there is a book written that will be titled "Self-Fulfilling Prophecies and the News Outlets that cause them. How panic and turmoil is fueled by the quest for ratings."

The Boss

So I am watching the kids this AM so Lynne can go to an appointment with her dad. I tell Natalie (7) and Brady (2) that I am going to go shower and that Natalie is 'the boss'. Well, this sets off a protest by Brady."No, no, Nana, Boss! Me Boss!" I respond with controlled amusement that "Nana is in charge, you do what she says." (Bad choice of words, I know)
At this point, Natalie proves once again that she is most certainly my daughter when she gets a devilish grin on her face (obviously drunk with her newly anointed power), turns, points at Brady and says "HA HA, Dance, Brady, Dance!"
Brady immediately retorts in defiant anger "NO! No Me dance! Bad, Nana.. Bad BAD, NANA!!"
At this point I can't help but chuckle at him as I tell him to be good for "Nana" and that I will be right back. On my way out of the room I can hear Natalie over my shoulder "You heard him, Brady... C'mon... DANCE!"

LOL - I've been the younger brother before. It's fun for her now, but soon the tables will turn, he will live to torment her, he will find strength in her frustration and she won't even remember this day when she asks herself "Why? Why does he do this to me?"

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