Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Racist Robots??

So I am reading a couple reviews of the new Transformers movie and I find one that claims that two of the robots are blatant examples of racism. Racism? Against who? Orange and green people that drink unleaded? It's a freakin' alien robot movie, not social commentary!!

I assume the criticism is due to the 'ghetto', 'hip-hop', 'rap', 'urban slang' or 'street' speech these apparent mechanical stereotypes prefer to converse in. Now I am not one to spend much time watching MTV, but I have seen plenty of teenage kids of many different races blabbering this same way while I am channel surfing.

Is the speech idiotic? Yes. Was it an irritating part of the flick? You betcha! Was it racist??? I can't see how. I am mean what race are we talking about specifically? I couldn't decipher it. Was it 'poseur-ism'?

poseurism [poh-zur-iz-uhm]- hatred or intolerance of anyone that attempts to impress others by assuming or affecting a manner, sentiment, etc., other than his or her true one. (It may not have been a real word before, but it is now.)

Perhaps, these robotic nincompoops weren't an example of director Michael Bay's insensitivity, but rather an example of the critic's own veiled racism. Or perhaps it was simply a jab from a pretentious nitwit upset that his only connection to the outside world is his internet connection and the pizza delivery guy.

But hey, who am I to talk? If Transformers 3 has a pale, indecisive robot with a potbelly that gets winded every time he transforms into a sleep sofa, I'll probably be the first to be offended and boycott the movie... unless the trailer kicks ass.